NOTICE: All landscape incentive projects must be preapproved by the District before work may proceed. If not preapproved, the project will not be eligible for the incentive. Please call our Water Conservation Specialist at (831) 384-6131 for preapproval of your project.
Customers can receive reimbursement for the purchase of materials and equipment associated with the initial installation or capacity expansion of a rainwater catchment system.
Program Procedures
- First, take pre-installation photo(s): Take and save at least 1 clear photograph of each of the following items: 1) catchment area 2) existing rain gutter downspout that will direct rainwater to a rain barrel 3) area that the rain barrel will eventually stand 4) area to be irrigated using the captured rainwater.
- Calculate the catchment area in square feet: multiply the width of your catchment area (rooftop) by the length in feet, then record and save these measurements for future use.
- Fill out application form: application forms can be requested via email to,found online at MCWD Rainwater Catchment, or picked up at the main office, 11 Reservation Road Marina, CA 93933.
- Submit the pre-installation photo(s) and the completed application form to the Marina Coast Water District. Applications can be emailed to,hand delivered to our office, or mailed to our office at 11 Reservation Road Marina, CA 93933.
- District staff will review your application and contact you regarding the status of your application.
- Only once you receive District approval for your project, should you purchase materials and move forward with your rainwater catchment project. The project must be completed within 60 days, otherwise the program application will be rejected. Materials purchased before District approval will not be eligible for any reimbursement payment from the District.
- Once the project is completed, the applicant must schedule a follow-up site inspection with the District. District staff will verify installation and compliance with the Project Criteria. At this time, the District staff will request the original itemized receipts showing proof of material purchases and that a purchase transaction tookplace.
- After the follow-up site inspection, if the project is completed as planned, the District staff will sign the application form verifying project completion.
- After verifying project completion, District staff will take all necessary paperwork to then begin processing the incentivepayment.
- Please note,it can take up to 8 weeks to receive payment after the incentive has been processed.
If you would like to learn more about the terms of agreement, eligibility, and project criteria, view or download the following (PDFs):
Rainwater Catchment Program Description
Rainwater Catchment Incentives
Rainwater Catchment Rebate Application (printable)
Rainwater Catchment Rebate Application (fillable/interactive)